Stephanie is Fancy London & Paris Adventures

Here are some of the photos from my trip that I just took with my husband. I LOVE Paris but I think London has a special place in my heart.


Book of Mormon – Prince of Wales Theatre London

Probably one of the funniest broadway shows I have ever seen.  If it is ever in a town near you, then DEFINITELY go see it.  You will laugh so hard.  The Book of Mormon is LAUGH OUT LOUD hysterical.


View of the Love Bridge in Paris

1395412_10103673179375933_1700902291_n My husband and I on the famous Love Bridge in Paris.  You put a lock on the bridge with your name on it and it is supposed to bring you luck.

994946_10103668893484893_1545365284_nBig Ben

20131020-124421.jpgEiffel Tower

1385698_10103690814834333_1171617479_nLondon Bridge

Kensington Palace


Kensington Gardens

1381375_10103690818167653_2040531807_nI saw these flowers and thought of my new business It’s Always Sunny Dog Walkers.

Isn’t this cute?

1394162_10103673118647633_1372498013_nOutside of Buckingham Palace1395790_10103673104650683_1684174601_nWe had high tea here
1384287_10103673101457083_1396141304_nThe London Eye
1378569_10103673098537933_2107549501_nAbbey Road… the same place the Beatles walked.
1379864_10103668897881083_1876681499_nWagamama… the best noodles ever!  It is a chain in the U.K.  Truly amazing.  I went 3 different times for lunch.
1395860_10103668897676493_953103600_nHad to take a photo with a phone booth.
993718_10103668896937973_143039047_nThe Bloggers Lounge… I just had to take this photo.

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